Mitchy set up the Birdcage Black Berry Messenger group that has been a venue for the randomest antics available-- all day and night. From love-team wannabes, to diet plans to BBM tricks to jejejeje from Barcelona care of Nikko, my bbm was beeping non-stop for a few days. Sadly now the hype has died down, not much activity going on people are quiet o BBM now. One day as plans were being thrown around on BBM, We were invited to go to Society Lounge which he claims is the place to be. No one knows where this is-- we assume that we have been out of the loop and have escalated to "LOLA" status that we don't know where cool people hang out anymore. Gone are our "Cool" days when we could skip the lines and have access to free flowing drinks and know pretty much everyone at the club. Last night was my night to be "BAGETS" and be in the "in crowd" for birthdays at Society Lounge. Blue Label, Patron, Moet and Chandon. Need I drop any more names? Good thing I'm not drinking or else I probably wouldn't be writing this-- unable to recall events from last night.
I really had a blast in-spite my sipping on hot water with lemons all night long. Nice to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in quite a while.
Giza Sy-Tang
The Newly Wed, who is blooming and looks so happy. I am truly so happy for her. I remember chatting on YM with her a couple of years ago as she shared her fears of Ty going into professional basketball-- all those fears futile. :) I love seeing pictures of them so in love on their Facebook.
Darryl Santos
Finally, After 4 years of law school he is back out with us. I really enjoyed catching up with him-- where he's been and where he's going-- where I've been to as well but not so much as to where I'm headed because even to me it isn't crystal clear haha :)) Good luck with reviewing for the bar and I am looking forward to seeing you more often and hearing more of your stories, Da.
Kriska Joaquin
My sister from another mother. I don't see you often enough Kris, and too bad Kace couldn't make it. You should come to Bali with us!!! Go na, Tin is bringing Ate Lala! I wish I could bring my real sister, Kisa too :( Had to post 2 pictures because I love these two!! Parang ang payat ko na!! Sana totoo na talaga hahaha :))
Drei Omega
In Manila for only one night. Our lives have both changed drastically since the last time we saw each other in Cebu. Our two opposite personalities have somehow rubbed off on each other. A more responsible realistic Ina and a more positive Drei. We NEED to continue that conversation Drei. I miss you and I am so happy for you and can't wait till I see you back in Cebu as soon as possible. A Maya date for sure! Oh, and I cannot believe we didn't take a decent picture together-- I had to crop this one!
Bea Garcia
Who has been way too busy to see me for coffee. I guess we had to go through similar things in the recent past, trying times that made us stronger and changed us for the better. Can you please make time for me na because there's still so much to tell you and I really miss you... and Society Lounge no matter how "happening" it is there is not the place for us to discuss our lives the way we've always loved to. I still remember coffee at Mickey's before leaving for Miami last year---- Remember Bey??? Oh how much life has changed since then.
Mike Pelayo
(his beautiful girlfriend Karlene because for some reason I didn't have a picture with him )
Howcome we didn't take a picture? I was really touched with the conversation I had with Mike. Although I'm not sure if he will remember. We were catching up and he was telling me na sama daw ako mag-boxing and that we should hang out more often and we can talk about work and I should call him anytime. I don't remember so well because I was already pretty tired at that time.. But when I woke up this morning I was thinking, I will really collect that from Mike. So Mike lets have coffee or lunch sometime ha? And I need help with the DTI remember? HiHiHI
Just being with the those WACKY boys and girls is always a wonderful respite from the worries of the world :) Pam Champion of the Night! :)

Almost Forgot....
Half of Anton Martinez!
60 pounds lighter and blooming yihee :))
Congratulations Anton, you are my idol talaga hihihi :))
Oh, and Special thanks to Margie for the beautiful shoes that I wore that night. They're so pretty at super tangkad ko! All the boys were getting mad at me. hihihi ;))