I fell asleep a little before 2 in the morning last night but the time I read when i reached for my phone was only 535am. I was just lying in bed thinking for the next 25 minutes till my 6am alarm rang. Random things running through my head-- What am I going to wear today? How am I going to bring the bread to Everest? Remember Ina, remember to bring the Human Resource class list to work so that you can make the yahoo groups for the class--If you must know, I forgot.
It has been this way for the past three weeks. No matter what time I get to bed ( in varying levels of inebriation) I will always wake up early. I get an average of maybe 4 hours of sleep but I don't feel tired. Yes, there are seconds that I literally doze off while driving-- much like when you're fighting not to fall asleep in class running only on the sharp, short jolts of adrenaline you get as you catch yourself falling asleep, head jerking down. Dangerous while driving, I know-- that's why the surge of adrenaline is much more intense, but still does not last that long. Maybe I need a driver.
Cambodia is to blame for this. That's where it all started. Despite the 12 hour bus rides or drinking in the hotel lobby till sunrise, I would open my eyes bright and early to get ready for another adventure. It just feels like there are so many things out there to experience-- Why waste your time sleeping?
What things have been stealing my sleep from me?
What a way to spend the day with an enthusiastic Chris, bewildered Marie and friendship card Kace. Watching Tick tick Boom (Bea's directorial debut) and Up--both brought me to tears. This deal between dreams and responsibilities. Past, presents and futures. Fighting for and letting go. Faith and Doubt. Sleep and Waking? Is it just me, or does everything seem to be about these things now-a-days? Don't forget to breathe, they say in the play-- just like they say at Yoga. That Saturday was exactly that. We had plans, yes but nothing too restricting. Just observing the world, and not getting lost in it. I'd like to spend my time this way.
"I need a break, lets go swimming" declared my brother on Sunday afternoon. I was determined to exercise that day. I crossed out Yoga-- "Ina, you have to be more frugal." Muay Thai at Elorde was the game plan but my friend said the Muay Thai trainer is out on Sundays and the butt I was going to kick was not answering-- Yes, that is you Ms. KC Joaquin. Chi was my savior from "I'm too fat to go to Pagudpod this weekend issues" hahaha. The sky was a lovely sea of orange. The sloshing of the water from the strokes of my arms and my bubbles drowning out all the noise in the world. After our swim, Chi and I decided to walk home. " What do you like doing, Chi? What are your passions?" I encouraged him to go and find people that would bring him closer to the things he wanted in life-- namely Cars, Computers and Traveling. Live out your passions, I say-- then people who love what you do will come to you. I tell him that it was a good swim, that we should do it more often.. but really I just like spending time with my brother. Sometimes, I feel like he really thinks about my trinkets of inspiration and compassion for others. That somehow, I am changing some of the hardness in his heart.
A healthy dinner and wine at the park with a good friend who I haven't really given the time of day. It's like this-- You thought that that salad was the best , up until we came here, to Old Vine and tasted this phenomenal Tessie Tomas Salad that has changed the course of the world. Rocky is secretive, and so I wish not to divulge the content of our night's conversation-- suffice it to say though that it ranks high on my favorites list. The thought that he thought of me in his quest for purpose and understanding to life and all its intricacies is the ultimate form of appreciation to me. Thank you, The Ementhal cheese was a nice touch. Sa uulitin.
7 in the morning, stuck in Monday morning traffic-- I decide to call Vee. We talk about nothing really.. Are you on your way to work? What happened last Saturday? Do you want to watch I love you so? I really do! -- That's Vee, not me. Haha. We just giggle and laugh at ourselves but it's nice. I realize how much I miss her and that sometimes I don't have to have a reason to call.
Leo Cabredo calling, "What's up Ley?" We talk about grad school, scholarships, independence, entrepreneurship, being part of something big, experience. Itchy feet and sticks up his ass. Perhaps we are Seriously Screwed. And he says "Hey, I didn't even need to bring you to dinner for that." Thanks Leo! Now I get this JP, Em, RJ and the rest of the Brokeback boys calling each other every morning just to chat. Where I used to violently ask "What could you possibly talk about??" Apparently, more than I can imagine.
Stealing Kace out of her office for coffee no food, that turned into Roast Beef plate at Dayrit's. I've been spending a lot of time with Kace lately, more than usual-- if that is even possible. She is the person I see most often, next only to myself. It's different though-- Now I don't feel like I have to run down the moments in my life since I last saw her, in blow by blow boring detail. We can just be. Have a good cup of coffee, or a sinful plate of Keema Rice and Beef Shawarma Rice in Ababu at 2 in the morning and be content. (We'll cry about the calories later)
Waiting at BreadTalk with Alvin, who's face is as burnt to a crisp as his heart is. Of love and bloodshed should be the title of that conversation. You live, you love, you learn, you move on. There are better things in store for you, one day you'll find it. Don't lose hope. His simplicity and sincerity is surprising. We make new friends everyday, we just have to take the chance to reach out. Thank you for the Bohol shirt and the bracelet! I appreciated it, I am still receiving birthday greetings till now?
All it takes is that little push to open yourself up to things, to others, to experiences. You'll be surprised at the the treasures in store for you.
The day is too precious to waste on sleep.